@plentymarkets/shop-api ​
for plentyShop PWA.
Remarks ​
This section provides a reference to the API client of plentyShop PWA. It includes the available types and API endpoints.
Enumerations ​
Classes ​
Interfaces ​
- AddCouponResponse
- AdditionalInformationParams
- AddressRelation
- AddWishlistItemParams
- AddWishlistItemResponse
- AmountVat
- ApiErrorParams
- ApiProductResponse
- ApiSessionResponse
- appContext
- AttachPaymentToOrderParams
- AttachPaymentToOrderResponse
- Attribute
- AttributeNames
- AttributeValue
- AttributeValueNames
- AuthenticatedReviewSearchParams
- Availability
- AvailabilityNames
- BasketItem
- BillingAddressDetailsParams
- Block
- CanonicalAlternate
- CartItem
- Category
- CategoryDetails
- CategoryParams
- CategoryTemplate
- CategoryTreeItemCount
- CompanyDetails
- Condition
- Configuration
- cookie
- cookieGetter
- cookieGroup
- CookieGroupFromNuxtConfig
- cookieGroupInMem
- CreateReturnResponse
- CreateReviewParams
- CustomerContactEmailParams
- Data
- DateElement
- Default
- DefaultCategory
- DefaultData
- DeleteAddressResponse
- DeleteCartItemParams
- DeleteCartResponse
- DeleteCouponResponse
- DeleteReviewParams
- DeleteWishlistItemParams
- Discount
- DoAddCouponParams
- DoAddItemParams
- Document
- DoSaveAddressParams
- DoSaveBlocksParams
- DoSavePreferredDeliveryServiceParams
- EditCategoryParams
- ExecutePaymentParams
- Facet
- FacetFilter
- FacetProductItem
- FacetSearchCriteria
- GetAddressesParams
- GetBlocksParams
- GetOfferError
- GetOfferReject
- GetOrderAgainInformationParams
- GetOrderAgainInformationResponse
- GetOrderError
- GiftCard
- ImageNames
- Images
- ImagesData
- Item
- ItemCount
- ItemList
- ItemSearchParams
- keyValueData
- LanguageNames
- LanguageUrls
- LegalTextsParams
- LoginAsGuestParams
- LoginParams
- MakeOrderParams
- MakeOrderReturnParams
- Manufacturer
- MiddlewareConfig
- MigrateGuestOrderToCustomerParams
- Names
- NewsletterEmailConfirmationParams
- NewsletterParams
- NewsletterSubscribeResponse
- NewsletterUnsubscribeResponse
- Offer
- OfferSearchParams
- Option
- OptionalCategoryParams
- Order
- OrderAmount
- OrderDetails
- OrderDocument
- OrderDocumentParams
- OrderItem
- OrderItemAmount
- OrderItemAttribute
- OrderItemCurrentStatus
- OrderItemOrderProperty
- OrderItemProperty
- OrderPaymentBankDetails
- OrderProperty
- OrderPropertyFileParams
- OrderPropertyFileResponse
- OrderPropertySelectionValue
- OrderPropertySelectionValues
- OrderReference
- OrderReturnReason
- OrderReturnsResponse
- OrderReturnVariation
- OrderSearchParams
- OrderTotals
- OrderTotalsAdditionalCost
- OrderTotalsAdditionalCostMap
- OrderTotalsVat
- Pagination
- PaymentMethodListForSwitch
- PayPalApproveOrder
- PayPalApproveTransactionParams
- PayPalCaptureOrderParams
- PayPalConfigResponse
- PayPalCreateOrder
- PayPalCreateTransactionParams
- PayPalCreditCardTransaction
- PayPalExecuteParams
- PayPalExecutePayment
- PayPalLink
- PlentyAgnosticTotals
- PlentyEvents
- PlentyResponse
- PreferredDeliveryServiceParams
- PreferredDeliveryServicesData
- PreferredDeliveryShippingProfilesData
- Price
- Prices
- ProducingCountry
- Product
- ProductAttribute
- ProductCanonical
- ProductDataFilter
- ProductItem
- ProductItemDocument
- ProductItemDocumentData
- ProductProperty
- ProductPropertyDetails
- ProductPropertyDetailsNames
- ProductPropertyGroup
- ProductPropertyGroupNames
- ProductSeoSettings
- ProductTag
- RegisterParams
- Relation
- ReviewAverageParams
- ReviewSearchParams
- RobotsStaticPages
- SaveAddressResponse
- SaveBlock
- SetAddressDefaultParams
- SetAddressDefaultResponse
- SetCartItemQuantityParams
- ShippingAddressDetailsParams
- ShippingPrivacyInformation
- ShippingProvider
- ShippingProviderParams
- Texts
- Unit
- UnitNames
- UpdateConfigurationParams
- UpdateReviewParams
- UploadFileForOrderPropertyParams
- UploadFileForOrderPropertyResponse
- UserChangePasswordParams
- UserChangeResponse
- UserOptions
- UserRegisterParams
- UseUserOrderSearchParams
- Variation
- VariationProperty
- VariationPropertyGroup
- VariationsPropertyGroup
- VariationsPropertyGroupOption
- Vat
- WishlistServerResponse
- WishlistVariation
Type Aliases ​
- ActiveShippingCountry
- Address
- AddressData
- AddressOption
- AddressPivot
- AfterAccountAuthentication
- AfterBasketChanged
- AggregatedCountries
- ApiMethods
- AttachMolliePaymentToOrderParams
- BasketItemOrderParam
- BasketItemOrderParamsProperty
- BillingAddress
- Breadcrumb
- BundleComponentData
- Cart
- CartItemError
- CategoryTemplateParams
- CategoryTreeItem
- CategoryTreeItemDetails
- CheckoutChanged
- Country
- Coupon
- Endpoints
- Filter
- FilterGroup
- FrontendUpdateCustomerSettings
- GeoRegulatedCountry
- GetOrdersResponse
- GetPaymentResponse
- GetReturnsResponse
- GraduatedPriceList
- InitResult
- ItemSearchResult
- LegalInformationResponse
- MollieAddress
- MollieAmount
- MollieCreatedPlentyPayment
- MollieCreatedPlentyPaymentHistory
- MollieCreatedPlentyPaymentProperty
- MollieCreateOrderParams
- MollieItemLine
- MollieLink
- MolliePatchPaymentParams
- MolliePayment
- MolliePaymentIdParams
- MolliePaymentToOrderResponse
- MollieSettings
- OrderPropertiesGroup
- OrderPropertiesGroups
- OrderPropertyLabel
- PaginatedResult
- PasswordResetResult
- PaymentMethod
- PaymentProviders
- PayPalAllowApplePayRequest
- PayPalAllowGooglePayResponse
- PayPalGetOrderDetailsParams
- PayPalGooglePayAllowedPaymentMethod
- PayPalGooglePayAllowedPaymentMethodParameters
- PayPalGooglePayBillingAddressParameters
- PayPalGooglePayPaymentMethods
- PayPalGooglePayTokenizationSpecification
- PayPalGooglePayTokenizationSpecificationParameters
- PayPalOrderStatus
- PlentysystemsIntegrationContext
- PreferredDeliveryOption
- PreparePaymentResult
- ProductBundleComponent
- ProductFilter
- ProductParams
- ReturnsParams
- Review
- ReviewAverage
- ReviewCounts
- ReviewItem
- ReviewPagination
- SessionResult
- SessionSearchPramas
- SetMobilePaymentProviderListParams
- SetMobilePaymentProviderResponse
- SetPaymentProviderParams
- SetPaymentProviderResponse
- ShippingAddress
- ShippingCountryName
- ShippingCountryState
- ShippingMethod
- SourceRelationItem
- State
- Store
- TotalVat
- User
- UserBillingAddress
- UserBillingAddressItem
- UserBillingAddressSearchCriteria
- UserShippingAddress
- UserShippingAddressItem
- UserShippingAddressSearchCriteria
- VariationMapProductAttribute
- VariationMapProductAttributeValue
- VariationMapProductVariation
- WishlistItem
Variables ​
- additionalInformationGetters
- bannerGetters
- cartGetters
- categoryGetters
- categoryTreeGetters
- companyGetters
- cookieBarGetters
- countryGetters
- facetGetters
- forgotPasswordGetters
- heroesGetters
- legalGetters
- localesGetters
- manufacturerGetters
- offerGetters
- orderDocumentGetters
- orderGetters
- paginationGetters
- paymentProviderGetters
- paypalGetters
- productAttributeGetters
- productBundleGetters
- productGetters
- productImageGetters
- productPriceGetters
- productPropertyGetters
- productSeoSettingsGetters
- returnGetters
- reviewGetters
- robotGetters
- shippingProviderGetters
- tagGetters
- userAddressGetters
- userGetters
- wishlistGetters
Functions ​
- deleteAddress
- deleteAllCartItems
- deleteCart
- deleteCartItem
- deleteCoupon
- deleteNewsletterSubscription
- deleteReview
- deleteWishlistItem
- doAcceptOffer
- doAddCartItem
- doAddCartItems
- doAddCategory
- doAddCoupon
- doAdditionalInformation
- doAddWishlistItem
- doApplyConfiguration
- doApprovePayPalTransaction
- doAttachMolliePaymentToOrder
- doAttachPaymentToOrder
- doCaptureMolliePayment
- doCapturePayPalOrder
- doChangeUserPassword
- doCreateMolliePaymentFromBasket
- doCreateMolliePaymentFromOrder
- doCreatePayPalCreditCardTransaction
- doCreatePayPalTransaction
- doCreatePlentyPaymentFromMolliePayment
- doCustomerContactMail
- doEmailConfirmation
- doExecutePayment
- doHandleAllowPaymentApplePay
- doHandleAllowPaymentGooglePay
- doLogin
- doLoginAsGuest
- doLogoutUser
- doMakeOrderReturn
- doMigrateGuestOrderToCustomer
- doOrderAgainInformation
- doPatchMolliePayment
- doPlaceOrder
- doPreparePayment
- doRegisterUser
- doRejectOffer
- doReview
- doSaveAddress
- doSaveBlocks
- doSavePreferredDeliveryServices
- doSubscribeNewsletter
- doUploadOrderPropertyFile
- getActiveShippingCountries
- getAddresses
- getAggregatedCountries
- getAuthenticatedReview
- getBlocks
- getCart
- getCategoryTemplate
- getCategoryTree
- getExecutePayPalOrder
- getFacet
- getInit
- getLegalTexts
- getMolliePayment
- getMollieSettings
- getOffer
- getOrder
- getOrderDocument
- getOrderPropertyFile
- getOrders
- getPaymentProviders
- getPayPalDataClientToken
- getPayPalMerchantAndClientIds
- getPayPalOrderDetails
- getPreferredDeliveryServices
- getPreferredDeliveryShippingProfiles
- getProduct
- getReturnReasons
- getReturns
- getReview
- getReviewAverage
- getRobots
- getSearch
- getSession
- getShippingProvider
- getWishlist
- setCartItemQuantity
- setCategorySettings
- setCategoryTemplate
- setCheckoutAddress
- setConfiguration
- setMobilePaymentProviderList
- setPaymentProvider
- setReview
- setShippingProvider